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Using external signals as a condition for starting a bot.

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You can use any external signals as a condition for starting the bot. In other words, before starting each new cycle, the bot will wait for a signal before starting to operate.
To enable the bot to work on external signals, you need to activate this bot functionality based on TradingView signals.

1. Enabling the bot to work on external signals.
To do this, when editing a bot, in the TradingView Signals menu, activate the "Enable bot using TradingView signals" checkbox and save the bot.
This menu contains all the information necessary for the bot to work on an external signal, namely:
- URL for the signal;
- Message for the signal (the message is unique for each bot).

2. Create an external signal.
To create an external signal, use the URL and the message specified in the bot settings.
The external signal should be sent using the POST method with Content-Type: application/json from specific IP addresses. Be sure to specify the IP addresses, in the user profile, in the main information menu, from which the signals will come. If this is not done, the bot will not see the signal. Examples of specifying IP addresses are: ",,,". Specifying will set the bot to receive a signal from any IP address.

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