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Trading strategies by MACD indicator

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The MACD indicator is a trend oscillator that is used to identify pivot points and trend changes.


MACD works on the basis of three bands, with lengths of 12, 26, 9.

Exponential moving averages of length 12 and 26 create the MACD line.

A strip of length 9 creates a Signal line.

If the MACD line crosses the zero level from the bottom up, this is a signal for long trading, if from top to bottom, this is a signal for short trading.


If the MACD line crosses the Signal line from the bottom up - this is a signal for long trading, if from top to bottom - this is a signal for short trading.

The MACD LONG strategy will work if the MACD is <0 and the MACD line crosses the Signal line from the bottom up.


The MACD SHORT strategy will work if the MACD is >0 and the MACD line crosses the Signal line from top to bottom.


To enable this filter, you need to select it and set the time period for analysis.


To get better entry points, we recommend choosing a timeframe of 15min or more, as the volatility of asset prices is higher on shorter timeframes.

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