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Creating an API key for the Mexc exchange

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Connecting to the Mexc Exchange using FastAPI

Mexc FASTAPI is a convenient, fast, and secure way to create API keys. With FASTAPI, you can automatically generate and link API keys in just a few clicks without the need to enter them manually.

When connecting FASTAPI, an IP whitelist is used, which ensures the security and safety of users' funds. All trading operations will only be allowed from IP addresses in the whitelist. Additionally, FASTAPI connection removes the 90-day API key expiration period.

To use this feature, you need to go to the API key addition page, select the Mexc exchange, and click on the "Connect Mexc" button. You will be redirected to your Mexc account where you need to approve access. If you are not logged into the exchange, you will need to log in first. It's better to do this before creating the API key.

Next, approve access to your account for creating API access.

(IMPORTANT! Before proceeding, you must be logged into the Mexc exchange and the RevenueBOT personal account)

After completing the operation successfully, you will receive a message "Key 'FastAPI key' successfully created".

Access to these FastAPI keys will only be from RevenueBOT IP addresses (using the whitelist IP principle); it will be impossible to use these APIs on other resources.

Regular API Key Creation for Mexc Exchange

Step-by-step instructions for creating an API key on the Mexc exchange:

  • Go to the "API Management" section, name the key, give permission to "Trade," and click "Create";

  • Confirm the creation of the key with a security code;

  • Copy the Access Key and Secret Key;

  • Paste the "Access Key" into the API key and the "Secret Key" into the Secret part of the API;

  • Click the "Add API Key" button, and you can start creating the bot.

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