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How to include commission fees in BNB on the Binance exchange and what is it for?

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Our bots can work with Binance's spot market exchange only if the transaction commission of any trading pair is charged by the exchange in the BNB currency. This is due to the exchange requirement of rounding and discarding digits after a point is reached in the prices and amounts of orders. If the commission is charged by the exchange in one of the coins of the trading pair, then the bot will not be able to set the prices and amounts of orders according to its own calculations, since the important digits after the point can be discarded or rounded by the exchange. This issue does not occur if the commission is charged by the exchange in the BNB currency, but not in one of the coins of the trading pair. Therefore, before you run bots, you must activate the option, in your exchange's account, that the trading commission is charged in the BNB currency. Detailed instructions can be found here.
In addition, if this option is activated, the exchange gives a discount on the trading commission of transactions.

Important: Make sure that you have BNB coins available in your account, from which the exchange will be able to deduct its commission for each executed order. Before starting and at the beginning of each new cycle, the bot will check whether there is enough BNB coin for it to trade; if there is not enough BNB coins, the bot will stop running with an error.

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