Our bots can operate on the Gate.io spot market only if the trading fee for any trading pair is charged in GT tokens. This is due to the exchange's requirements for rounding and truncating decimal places in order prices and amounts.
If the trading fee is charged in one of the trading pair's tokens, the bot's algorithm may fail to calculate order prices and amounts accurately because significant decimal places could be lost. However, this issue does not arise when fees are charged in GT tokens.
Before launching the bots, you must enable the option in your exchange account to pay trading fees using GT tokens. A detailed guide is available here.
Advantage: Enabling this option provides a discount on trading fees offered by the exchange.
Important: Ensure that you have enough GT tokens available in your account to cover the trading fees for each order execution. Before starting and at the beginning of each new cycle, the bot checks if sufficient GT tokens are available. If they are insufficient, the bot will stop and display an error message.